Types of content we look for

Our editorial goal is to promote the university through storytelling and provide timely and balanced reporting that is of value to the university community as well as the public, and that serves the best interests of the university. Opinions and content suggestions are always welcome, and stories will be shared through the most suitable channel(s).

You can send a complete story or just an idea and someone will get back to you. 

  • Feature stories: An interesting topic or story about a U of S person that needs to be told.
  • News story: You’ve made a breakthrough in your work.
  • Achievements: You’ve received a scholarship, research grant, award for your work or some other type of recognition.
  • Events: You’re involved in a major conference, reception or lecture that members of campus community can attend.
  • Photos: You’ve taken an interesting photo that you want to share.

All content must be relevant to the U of S community in some way. 

How we decide

Please send us your stories, ideas and photos as we would love to help share them. But before we do, our team will work with you to figure out how, when and where to best tell your story.

In considering all content for inclusion and recommending appropriate channels, the team will consider a number of factors, including:

  • Relevant audiences;
  • When we receive the information and timeliness of the content;
  • Alignment with U of S priorities;
  • Potential for broader appeal of content;
  • Legal implications; and
  • The reputation of the University of Saskatchewan.

Final decisions on publishing and specific platforms rest with the news editor. All submitted content for publication in any university channel is subject to review and editing by the communications staff.

What’s next?

Once you’ve sent us an idea, story or photo, we will use the above criteria to determine the best channel to share your story. It might be a tweet, it might be an article in print or online, it might be a media release or it might be all of the above and more. Get in touch.