RCMP police service dog honoured at the WCVM

“Rev” was an RCMP police service dog that spent most of his life protecting and helping people in Western Canada. The dedicated, hard-working German shepherd was close to retirement when tragedy struck last spring: Rev was involved in a car accident near Saskatoon, and died of his injuries on June 14, 2013.

By University Communications
When RCMP Corporal Andy Brown from St. Albert Police Dog Service (PDS) in Alberta and a group of his fellow handlers decided they wanted to do something to honour the service dog's memory, a donation to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) immediately came to mind.

"Rev had been brought to the college after the accident – we've historically used the veterinary college with our pups and our working dogs," Brown explains. "So we did some research to decide how we wanted our donation to be used by the college, and we felt the Good Samaritan Fund was the most ideal."

Read more about Rev and the Good Samaritan Fund on WCVM Today.