Ruff day at the dentist

When Dr. Erinn Hilberry first met Ben, the blind border collie was shy and withdrawn as he lay on the floor with his head down.

By University Communications

Two weeks after dental surgery, Ben was a totally different dog.

"It was amazing! He was wagging his tail, walking around the room sniffing stuff and coming up to people to say hi," recalls Hilberry, a clinical associate in dentistry at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine's Veterinary Medical Centre.

"The pain he'd had before was gone, and his true personality came out."

The transformation was also obvious to Cynthia Dyck and her husband Jim Arthur. The Saskatoon couple had begun by fostering Ben, but they soon decided to adopt the four-year-old collie who had lost his sight about two years before coming to Saskatoon's New Hope Dog Rescue.

Read the full story at WCVM Today.