Home Ice Campaign chair Dave King (far left) and lead donor Merlis Belsher (far right) presented with a donation to the Home Ice Campaign by members of the Agricultural Student Association, Bayley Blackwell and Jacqueline Toews.

Growing the game

Merlis Belsher’s transformative gift of $12.25 million that launched the Home Ice Campaign is an inspiration not only to donors and community leaders, but also to current U of S students.

By Sean Conroy

The Agricultural Students Association (ASA) followed the lead of Belsher and a number of other donors by making a gift to the campaign. The $3,400 donation was made using the profits from the association’s annual social event.

On Monday, Dec. 12 members of the ASA presented a cheque to Merlis Belsher and Home Ice Campaign chair Dave King.

“It was a great honour to get to chat with Merlis and Dave,” said student Bayley Blackwell, ASA social director. “It is so exciting to have such a great cause to support that benefits the entire campus.”

Read more on the Donor News site.