Dermatology residency training to begin at USask College of Medicine Regina campus this summer
Following years of collaborating with other universities to train dermatology residents for Saskatchewan, the University of Saskatchewan (USask) College of Medicine will welcome its first resident into its newly accredited dermatology program in July 2024.
“The new dermatology program lays a strong foundation to address health human resources in dermatology for our province,” said Dr. Anurag Saxena (MD), associate dean of Postgraduate Medical Education at the USask College of Medicine.
“It also enhances the academic rigor of the practice of dermatology for quality care. Residents in other programs and our undergraduate medical students have an opportunity for elective experiences in dermatology within our province.”
The program will primarily be centered at the College of Medicine’s Regina campus and led by Regina Division Head, Dr. Karen Holfeld (MD) as well as Assistant Professor in Dermatology, Dr. Brittany Waller (MD).
Dr. Gill White (MD), associate dean, Regina Campus, believes the new program will provide some excellent recruitment options and allows for building upon the programming already available in Regina.
“This is a great opportunity for our students to pursue specialization in dermatology and I have full confidence in the dermatologists currently in Regina and Saskatoon who will train the residents,” he said.
Dr. White echoed Dr. Saxena’s notion that the training program will provide Saskatchewan with more dermatologists, with many choosing to remain in the province to practice upon completion of their residency.
“We value the college and its commitment to advanced medical education and high-quality residency training in Saskatchewan,” Health Minister Everett Hindley said. “This residency training contributes to a key pillar of our Health Human Resources Action Plan to Recruit, Train, Incentivize and Retain in the ongoing efforts that help us build a strong and sustainable medical workforce in our province.”
The application process for the recently approved dermatology residency took about 6-8 months and is already set up for this year’s March Canadian Residency Matching Service match. There will be one postgraduate position available for the five-year program in 2024 with a second to be added going forward beginning in 2025.
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