Grandey gift

Gerald Grandey, chief executive officer of Cameco, along with Tina Grandey, have announced a $1 million gift to the Edwards School of Business at the University of Saskatchewan that will support a number of leadership initiatives.

By Colleen MacPherson

"Leadership development has been one of my passions in my tenure as CEO of Cameco," said Grandey, who is also a member of the Dean's Advisory Council at the Edwards School. "Developing strong business professionals depends on fostering leadership skills. My wife Tina and I are thrilled to help out in this way."

U of S President Peter MacKinnon used the occasion of the gift presentation to thank the Grandeys and Cameco for their ongoing support of the university and the local business community. Edwards Dean Daphne Taras added that she is "excited to match the interests of a supporter with a demonstrable need within our school."