A new name for the Faculty Club

It has been years since the Faculty Club at the U of S was the exclusive domain of faculty, and members have decided it is a good time for a name change that reflects that fact.

By Colleen MacPherson

On July 1, the name will officially change to University Club, explained Donna Cram, club manager, a move approved at the club's annual meeting last October and by the university's Board of Governors in early March. Alumni, staff and faculty have been welcome to join for some time "and so the new name better reflects the make-up of our membership," she said.

The history of the club at the U of S stretches back to 1927 and for years, it occupied various rooms on campus, said Cram. In 1961, the club was officially incorporated and moved to its current location in the dean of agriculture's residence, which was one of the first buildings on campus. The building was renovated in 1966, then again after a fire in 1972. This year marks the 100th anniversary of construction of the original dean's residence and 50 years since the club's incorporation she said, so the name change is another milestone in its history.

The club will host a special celebration reception April 2 that will include the release of a memory book put together by Don Kerr, professor emeritus in the Department of English.