Helping Saskatchewan nurses learn where they live

The unit that develops and delivers continuing education program for Saskatchewan nurses has a new name and a broader perspective on its work.

By Colleen MacPherson

Director Cathy Jeffery said the name Continuing Education and Development for Nurses (CEDN) better aligns the unit with the integrated plan of both the College of Nursing and the University of Saskatchewan, particularly in the areas of distributed learning and "learning where you live.

"The development part of our name is about doing things differently to meet the needs of practicing professionals to ensure they get what they need where they are, from a well-prepared person," said Jeffery. "We really have to have an eye to being part of the solution to building capacity in rural areas."

To that end, Jeffery said the unit is placing particular emphasis on tailoring its programs for the rural health region market where having nurses travel to large centres for workshops and conferences can create staffing problems. "If you take people out of the hospital for professional development, you often don't have anyone to provide care."

The CEDN operates with funding from Saskatchewan Health, proceeds from its cost recovery programs and in-kind support from the College of Nursing.

Part of the CEDN effort is exploring opportunities to capitalize on developments like the college's remote presence technology for nursing students in La Ronge in delivering professional development for nurses. "We're also looking at taking a hybridized or blended approach to program delivery," she said. This could mean offering theory instruction online, followed by in-person practical instruction.

Jeffery said CEDN is also emphasizing the team approach to health care with nurses working in partnership with other professionals. "The philosophy I bring to this is that the patient/client/resident is in the centre and the team is around them. There's work for everyone there."