STM launches $6-million campaign

St. Thomas More College at the University of Saskatchewan has announced a $6-million campaign to expand its existing building and raise funds for an Endowed Chair in Catholic Studies.

By Colleen MacPherson
Part of what is called the Creating More Campaign, these initiatives will not only allow the college to increase its physical space, but facilitate teaching and learning that will strengthen the College's commitment to Catholic post-secondary education.

"We are bursting at the seams, and have been for quite some time," said STM President Terrence Downey. "This campaign will not only enable us to create the space needed to teach more STM classes within the walls of our building, but also deliver the inspiring environment and personal interaction our students and alumni expect from St. Thomas More College."

In addition, college officials have unveiled plans for the establishment of a Chair in Catholic Studies at STM. This new academic position will help foster the exploration of both faith and reason, as well as encourage broader engagement with the community.

"We are fortunate to have overwhelming support for the Creating More Campaign from both alumni and friends of the college," said Downey. "I am delighted in the early response from the donor community and assure you we will be sharing exciting funding announcements with you in the near future."

STM Chief Financial Officer Derrin Raffey said proceeds from the sale of Ogle Hall in 2010 will be used to support these initiatives, as will a contribution from the Basilian Fathers, the Catholic order that established the College in 1936. "We have a plan in place to secure the funds required to complete this project without assuming long-term debt for the College," said Raffey. "With support from our alumni and friends, we are confident that we will meet our targets."

Raffey expects that the building expansion will be completed in 2013, while the chair will be established in the fall of 2012 and funded by the campaign in its first two years.