Transit of Venus viewing at the Campus Observatory

On June 5, weather permitting, you may observe the planet Venus in silhouette in front of the Sun's disk using the telescope at the Campus Observatory, which is equipped with a safe solar filter.

By Mark Ferguson
This famous and rare Transit of Venus event will next occur 105 years in the future.

While standing in line outside the observatory, you may use your eclipse viewing glasses or your own pinhole projection system to safely view the transit.

Do not stare at the Sun without following safe viewing techniques because blindness may occur. More information about safe solar viewing may be found at

Transit of Venus viewing from the campus observatory will begin at 4:07 pm on June 5 and cease about 5:30 pm when the view of the Sun becomes blocked by other campus buildings.

The RASC astronomy club will also have portable telescopes equpped with solar filters set up for public viewing of the transit at the toboggan hill at Diefenbaker park. (west of Exhibition grounds) from 4 pm until sunset.

For more information, visit the College of Arts and Science website