Aboriginal student achievement program featured in the New York Times

Max FineDay, president of the U of S Students' Union, Annie Battiste of the Aboriginal Students’ Center and Kristina Bidwell, associate dean for Aboriginal affairs in the College of Arts and Science, were among those who talked about the challenges for Aboriginal students in Canadian universities in a Nov. 18 article in the New York Times.

By University Communications
A political studies student from the Sweetgrass First Nation, FineDay said while he was elected to represent all U of S undergraduates, being an indigenous university student has particular challenges.

"A lot of students come to university never having met an Aboriginal student; they've just heard the racist comments their uncles make at family events," he said. "One of the things I'm going to focus on during my term is to educate people and break down stereotypes and facilitate dialogue."

Read the full story, which includes comments from the president of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, on the College of Arts and Science website.