Layoffs looming; up to 100 jobs lost

Up to 100 University of Saskatchewan employees are expected to receive layoff notices in the coming weeks as the university continues to trim its workforce, part of a comprehensive effort to address a projected $44.5 million operating budget deficit.

By Kris Foster

In a media release and internal memo, both released March 25, Barb Daigle, associate vice-president of human resources, said the job loses will affect people in administrative and support positions. Layoffs that took place in January and February are expected to save the organization $2.3 million annually. The operating savings from the next round will be announced once the layoffs are done, she said.

Salaries and benefits account for about 75 per cent of the university's total operating expenses each year.

The layoffs result from an institution-wide workforce planning process that is being used to ensure "positions are aligned with the university's teaching, research and outreach priorities," said Daigle. There is no hiring freeze currently in place at the U of S "but new hires will be carefully considered and focused in priority areas."