Sachdev honoured by IEEE

Mohinder Sachdev, professor emeritus in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has been named recipient of the 2013 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Charles Proteus Steinmetz Award.

By Kris Foster

Sachdev, a power engineer with more than 60 years of experience, is being recognized for his contributions to and leadership in the development of guides, recommended practices and standards for power system protection. Sachdev has published over 300 papers on power system analysis, control and protection.

Through hands-on writing and key leadership, Sachdev became a cornerstone of the IEEE Power System Relay Committee's success in publishing important standards and guidelines impacting power system protection. As technology evolved, Sachdev played an important role in revising standards originally written for electromechanical and analog devices to reflect the role of digital technology in the automation, control and protection that has led to today's smart grids. His work focused on areas ranging from differential and polarized circuit testing to grounding of secondary circuits and protection of power transformers to protective relay applications for transmission lines.