Showcasing student work

A new event is being organized by the University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union (USSU) to give undergrads the opportunity to showcase their work and experiences.

By Colleen MacPherson

The USSU Student Project Symposium, a joint initiative between the USSU, the University Learning Centre, and Student and Enrolment Services Division (SESD), is set to take place Jan. 24, said Ruvimbo Kanyemba, USSU vice-president of academic affairs.

"We basically wanted undergrad students to have the chance to display the work they've done and the experiences they've had, whether a research project, a paper, an artistic work or an experience from studying abroad or a field trip," said Kanyemba who got the idea for the symposium while campaigning for her position on the USSU executive. "Students work hard but don't often get a chance to display it."

The other reason for the symposium is to "give prospective students a chance to see what opportunities there are for them at the U of S and to see how diverse the work students do is," she explained, adding that the symposium is taking place in conjunction with SESD's On Campus Day which brings high school students to the U of S for a firsthand look at campus life.

All undergrad students in all areas of study can make submissions to present at the symposium, she continued. "It is open to everyone in anything, but since it is taking place in the Arts Tunnel, we only have room for 14 exhibits. We want to represent as many colleges as possible, so we are hoping grad students and faculty, who work with students in labs and classes, will encourage undergrads to make submissions."

Students, faculty and staff will have a chance to view the displays and then vote on the "best based on a number of categories, and various prizes will be awarded, including tuition waivers."

Kanyemba explained that beyond giving students a stage to present on, the event will shine a spotlight on the importance of experiential learning. "I hope it shows how there is a need for experiential learning. Academic knowledge is important and if it is coupled with experience it is enhanced."