Where in the world is the U of S?

A new online map has been created to allow members of the University of Saskatchewan community to see what their colleagues are up to in every corner of the globe.

By University Communications
The map, which shows U of S connections in countries around the globe, is a joint project of the International Office and International Research Office, along with the Spatial Initiative, provider of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) services to campus.  Created using GIS, a computer-based technology that manipulates, analyzes and displays digital geospatial data, the map will keep itself up to date by using databases to track the university's research activity, student mobility including exchanges, and agreements with other institutions.

"Through the GIS map, we hope to increase the numbers of connections between U of S researchers working in the same parts of the world that will lead to deeper levels of involvement and better sustainability of our partnerships," says Tom Wishart, special advisor on international initiatives.

Leigh-Ellen Keating, director of the International Office, says, "Our researchers have a lot of international activity going on, from field research to prestigious fellowships, but we didn't have a means of tracking all of these projects and accomplishments."

The map can be viewed on The Spacial Initiative website and on the International Office website.

Lisa Buchanan is a graduate student intern in the U of S Office of Research Communications.