Statement from the University of Saskatchewan Board of Governors


By University Communications
Statement from the University of Saskatchewan Board of Governors

Susan Milburn, chair of the Board of Governors at the University of Saskatchewan, issued the following statement on behalf of the board this evening.

"This was the first opportunity that the board had to meet and tonight we had a thorough discussion of the issues of the past week.

Board members acknowledge the public response and many letters received by the board. Tonight, we discussed the leadership of the university in depth. We do not want to act in haste and therefore we have not made any final decisions, other than to maintain our strong commitment to financial sustainability and renewal. We will conclude our due diligence before a decision is rendered on university leadership.

The board was informed about the resignation of Brett Fairbairn. The board respects his decision and acknowledges and appreciates his many years of service as provost and vice-president academic.

The board is, and has always been, committed to academic freedom and freedom of expression. The board believes it is in compliance with the University of Saskatchewan Act.

Further discussion will occur at our next board meeting scheduled for May 26-27."