U of S Bookstore opens health sciences branch

The University Bookstore has opened its first branch outlet and set it up specifically to serve people involved with the health sciences.

By Colleen MacPherson

The 400-sq-ft Health Sciences Bookstore opened it doors on the main floor of E Wing March 19 with shelves already stocked with resources for students, staff and faculty visiting and working in the Health Sciences Building as well as those associated with Royal University Hospital (RUH). The outlet has been in the works almost since plans for the building were drawn up, said Martin Gonzalez De Souza, associate director of Consumer Services.

"We're very excited to be in the new building," said De Souza. "Conversations started very early on in the building process and the Bookstore saw this as a fit for its operation. It's also a great opportunity to connect with health professionals who are part of RUH."

The outlet will stock texts and resources relating to health sciences, lab coats and some
U of S-branded clothing, assorted school supplies as well as some grab-and-go food items.

De Souza said Bookstore representatives met with the Health Sciences Student Association and the staff and faculty from the colleges located in the building about what the store should stock. The selections will be refined based on continued feedback from store users. He added the store hours—currently 8 am-4:30 pm—may also be adjusted depending on the needs of the clientele.

And taking shape just down the hall from the Bookstore will be the newest university-owned Tim Hortons franchise. Expected to open this spring, the outlet will have a large seating area as well as full kitchen facilities. De Souza said the kitchen will prepare donuts, muffins and cookies for the Health Sciences outlet as well for other Tim Hortons stores across campus. The store will also have longer-than-usual hours to serve both the building and the hospital.