Update on appeal process for authority of the University of Saskatchewan Act

This update is issued from Gordon Barnhart, interim president, University of Saskatchewan on February 5, 2015.

By University Communications
"After significant consideration, I have decided to withdraw the university's appeal of Arbitrator Andrew Sim's decision that calls into consideration the source of board's authority to award tenure under the University of Saskatchewan Act 1995. I have reached the decision to withdraw after considerable review of the issue, and with the support of our executive and senior leaders, as well as the members of the Board of Governors.

This is a change in course, and there are a number of reasons why. Fundamentally, the initial decision to appeal was made to seek clarity on a principle of governance under the University Act and the authority it provides in the appointment of tenure. Withdrawing the appeal now will still allow the university to have this principle-based debate at some point in the future if required, and it also addresses many of the practical problems that have arisen related to this appeal. I believe it is now prudent to set aside this governance issue and allow the new tenure processes agreed upon in the fall time to work. The university still stands by the collective agreement with the University of Saskatchewan Faculty Association and I believe the new processes will improve our ability to deal with future cases. This is a complex matter that has taken significant time and effort to date and it is time to move forward.

I, along with my leadership team, have worked directly with the University of Saskatchewan Faculty Association in making this decision and we believe it is the right step at this time."