Put your pedals to the metal.

Five reasons to ride your bike to work

Tomorrow marks Bike to Work Day in Saskatoon, a city-wide event that occurs each August.

By University Communications

Participating businesses in Saskatoon (including the University of Saskatchewan) host commuter stations that offer goodies for morning bike commuters. Prizes are given to participants who are able to visit the most stations around town, as well as to workplaces with the largest proportion of commuter cyclists. (To view the commuter station map, click here.)

Here are five reasons why you should put the pedals to the metal on Wednesday.

1. It's great for your health.
This is a no-brainer. Aside from being a great calorie burner, it also tones muscle, eases joints, boosts your overall energy and relieves stress. (Plus, there's no excuse for not having time for a workout when you bike to work.)

2. It saves you big $$$.
You won't need to pay for gas or parking, and bicycle maintenance is vastly cheaper than taking care of a car. Plus, there are options on campus for bike repair if you need it.

3. You get to dodge the morning/afternoon traffic jam.
The twice-daily traffic jams can be stressful, especially during Saskatoon's summer months where there seems to be road construction everywhere.

4. It's better for the planet.
From air pollution (CO2 emissions) to noise pollution, vehicles aren't doing any favours for the environment. 

5. Free stuff.
Stop by our commuter station (at College Drive and Wiggins Road, by the Health Sciences Building) for free coffee, snacks, music and bike accessories courtesy of the Office of Sustainability and Protective Services.