“Reindeer Herding” by Patrick Pearse, the winning photo in the People, Culture and Lifestyles category.

Photos from abroad

This year’s Go Abroad Photo Contest, an initiative organized by the International Student and Study Abroad Centre, received 75 photos submissions in three categories.

By University Communications
Students who studied abroad, including international students, were invited to submit pictures that most picturesquely portrays their time studying abroad in Saskatoon or in another country. More than 650 students, staff, faculty and alumni voted 1,928 times for their favorite photos.

Here are the winning photos from each of the three categories. To view runners-up and notable mentions, visit the U of S Flickr page.


Adventure and Sport (above)
"Reindeer Herding" by Patrick Pearse
While I was studying abroad in Uppsala, Sweden, I had the opportunity of a lifetime to learn about the Sami culture and reindeer herding. Sami people are the only people allowed to herd reindeer. They do it for a living. This little fellow found me quite interesting, maybe because I had food for it.


Architecture and Landscapes

"Temple Bar" by Regan Brownbridge
he iconic Temple Bar in Dublin, Ireland. The hustle and bustle of this place is unparalleled. Not the cheapest place in the city, but a great place to grab a pint.


People, Culture and Lifestyles

"Amazing Frozen Bubbles" by Xiaohua Hu
This picture was taken in Abraham Lake in the Canadian Rockies. This lake is quite famous for the frozen bubbles in the winter. That is an amazing kingdom of bubbles. The bubbles are formed by the methane gas released by the dead plants under the lake, which gets frozen once coming close enough to the much colder lake surface. They then stack up below once the weather gets colder during the winter season. When we walked on the quite slippery ice to search for them, the sound from the cracked ice continuously scared us. In this photo, my friend Ms. Chunyu Zhou was recording this amazing moment by using her camera recorder.