Rock stars
A young geologist was in his glory earlier this week as he toured the university’s extensive rock collection.
By University CommunicationsJudah Tyreman, 12, is a budding young rock aficionado who has been collecting rocks for close to four years. His collection got so large that the Tyreman family home in Radisson soon became the Sesula Mineral and Gem Museum, named after a deceased family friend who bequeathed his own extensive rock collection to Judah and his sister, Avi.
Along with their father, Chris, Judah and Avi were given a tour of the rock storage room in the basement of the Geology Building on June 29, led by Kevin Ansdell, a professor in the Department of Geological Sciences. The room houses thousands of rock, mineral and fossil samples from all over the world.
See more about the museum at CBC Saskatoon or check out the Facebook page.