Fall study tips: must-have tips and resources for life at the U of S

As exams and deadlines loom, it’s important to remember that you aren’t on your own.

By University Communications

Now that the leaves are changing and the seasons are shifting, many University of Saskatchewan students are finally settling into their classes and routines. Now the real work begins.

Here are a few fall study tips from Student Learning Services to help you through your midterms.

  1. Divide and conquer. Divide large tasks into a series of subtasks. Set a deadline for completing each one. When you finish each subtask, the satisfaction you feel can motivate you to continue. Reward yourself with a walk, a chance to check Facebook, your favourite slice of pizza, or a call to a friend or loved one.
  2. Develop mnemonic devices when you have to memorize lists. For example, in psychology if you have to remember four kinds of defense mechanisms—denial, repression, identification and projection—notice that the first letters spell “DRIP.”
  3. Develop your weekly study schedule, counting on spending two to three hours study time for every hour in-class lecture time. Even if you didn’t have to study much in high school, you’ll need to study more in college.
  4. Don’t be shy about seeing your instructor during office hours. That’s the time to get your questions answered and to get additional explanation on something that you may not understand.
  5. Use a descriptive subject line that includes the class and section when emailing your professor. Sign your email with your full name; professors won’t recognize your U of S NSID (e.g., abc123) or student number.

And don’t forget that Student Learning Services offers additional learning support to all university students through a number of workshops and online resources, including study skills, library skills and writing-help videos. There is also drop-in support available as well for writing and math and stats.


Campus photo by Hriday Bhattacharjee.