The U of S is playing host to students in the SHAD program.

Inspiring tomorrow’s leaders

The University of Saskatchewan is currently hosting 64 of Canada’s top young innovators and entrepreneurs at SHAD Saskatchewan.

By Brett Makulowich

The U of S is one of 13 partner universities involved with SHAD, an enrichment program for Canadian high school students focusing on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math).

Every year 800 students are chosen to participate from across Canada. Students attend SHAD at a campus outside of their home province. This is an opportunity for high school students who may not be considering the U of S for their post-secondary education, to experience all of the advantages the U of S has to offer.

“I believe that the power of SHAD Saskatchewan is that we are visited by 64 extremely high achieving students who most likely were not considering the U of S for their studies," said Glyn Kennell, program director for SHAD Saskatchewan. "These students often come here with stereotypical ideas of the prairies and [are] not terribly enthused about the U of S. However, during their time here various transformations take place, including their perception of the University of Saskatchewan … I think these SHAD alumni take an extremely positive and enthusiastic message about us to the rest of Canada."

Only three days into SHAD, some of the participants already see their future at the U of S.

“Before I arrived here, I was not considering the U of S for my post-secondary education. But after touring the U of S and staying here for a few days, I plan on applying to the U of S for an engineering pathway,” said Faizaan Madhani, a grade 11 student from Hamilton, Ont. “The University of Saskatchewan’s campus is one of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen.” 

“I was thinking about attending [the] University of Saskatchewan to take my undergraduate degree for medicine. Being here only reinforces my decision to attend this school once I’ve finished high school,” said Jeanette Comte, a grade 11 student from Notre dame de Lourdes, Man.

The SHAD Saskatchewan participants are partaking in an intensive one month program. Research facilities across campus and Innovation Place will host the students for a variety of workshops, lectures and activities. Examples include: astrobiology, blacksmithing, journalistic writing, public speaking, entrepreneurship, watercraft design, pathology, aerodynamics and studying beamline time on the Canadian Light Source. Students will also practice stapling and wound dressing on a virtual cadaver in a workshop hosted by the College of Medicine. U of S professors from various disciplines are volunteering their time to provide lectures to the students.

Along with their various learning activities, this year students will be tasked with finding an engineering and entrepreneurial solution to the question “How can Canadians meaningfully reduce our individual energy footprints, to achieve a significant collective impact?” Students will work on their solutions throughout the month, drawing from the various academic disciplines they are experiencing on campus.

SHAD’s various activities and challenges demonstrate to students the power they have to make an impact in their communities.

“SHAD has showed me that if you put yourself out there, express your opinions and are not afraid to make mistakes, you can accomplish anything,” said Meredith Miller, a grade 12 student from Burnaby, B.C.

Once the students complete the program, they become part of an impressive network of SHAD alumni including 32 Rhodes Scholars, 80 Loran Scholars and 43 Schulich Leaders. The U of S is proud to host and inspire these future leaders of tomorrow.