Watching over the traffic in the Agriculture Building.

Interviews with inanimate objects: Agriculture Al

There are fascinating statues, artifacts and fun objects located all over the University of Saskatchewan campus. Get to know them a little better with this year’s On Campus News back page feature: Interviews with inanimate objects.

By Lesley Porter

Location: Second floor, Agriculture Building

What is your name?
I go by Agriculture Al. That’s sort of a nickname, given my location. But really, I am part of a sculpture called Garden of the Mind by Saskatchewan artist Victor Cicansky. 

How long have you been here?
I was created by Cicansky in 1992 and joined the University of Saskatchewan art collection a year later. 

What are you made out of?
I’m made out of bronze, a popular substance for sculptures, thanks to its strength and durability over time. 

Tell me more about Victor Cicansky.
He is from Regina and earned his education degree from the U of S. He is very much inspired by prairie imagery and aesthetics, a big part of which involves agriculture. An avid gardener, much of Cicansky’s work involves produce of some sort—as you can see, there is an apple tree behind me and this bench is shaped like a corn cob. I think that’s why I fit into this building so nicely. 

What do you like most about the Agriculture Building?
I like that I’m in a prime people-watching spot. The scents from the nearby Agriculture Café are delightful, too. I also like my bench—not only does it show how art can be functional, but it’s an invitation for people to sit down, take a break from their day and reflect on the simple pleasures in life.