Duke stands at the entrance to Griffiths Stadium at PotashCorp Park.

Interviews with inanimate objects: Duke the husky

There are fascinating statues, artifacts and fun objects located all over the University of Saskatchewan campus. Get to know them a little better with this year’s On Campus News back page feature: Interviews with inanimate objects.

By Lesley Porter

Location: entrance to Griffiths Stadium at PotashCorp Park

Where are you from?
I was born and bred in Nipawin, from a long line of ferocious huskies before me.

When did you come to the U of S?
As a dog, I was presented to former athletic director Joe Griffiths in 1946—I was the first mascot. From there, the Huskies evolved: from Hymie the Huskie in the late 1970s and early 1980s, to the Hustlin’ Huskie seen during the 1980-81 season, to the lovable modern day mug of Howler, the spirited mascot seen in the cheering section of most sporting events on campus.

As a statue (designed by local artist Grant McConnell), I took my place in front of the park in September 2007, as a gift from former Huskie David Dubé and his wife Heather Ryan. I serve to honour the Huskie tradition and to welcome all participants and spectators involved with football, soccer, track and field, or other university events at the venue.

What are your dimensions?
I’m 44 inches tall and 56 inches long—about twice the size of my real life canine counterpart.

What are you made of?
Like all huskies, a no-quit attitude. But in actuality, bronze.