The Little Stone School House was built in 1887, making it the oldest building in Saskatoon.

Interviews with inanimate objects: Little Stone School House

There are fascinating statues, artifacts and fun objects located all over the University of Saskatchewan campus. Get to know them a little better with this year’s On Campus News back page feature: Interviews with inanimate objects.

By Lesley Porter

Location: Between St. Andrew’s College and the Health Sciences Building

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I am a one-room school house— the first in Saskatoon. Both the city and the province have designated me as a heritage property. I can seat about 40 pupils, and though some of my features—including a large wood stove, pull-down map and gas lamp—are a bit dated, it’s neat to see how far education has come. 

How old are you?
I was built by Alexander Marr in 1887, making me the oldest building in the city. 

Where were you originally located?
My prior location was in the heart of the Nutana neighbourhood— Broadway Avenue and 12th Street—as the original Victoria School. Besides my scholastic function, I served as a multi- purpose centre in the community as a meeting house, election centre and dance hall.

As time went on, however, Victoria School grew and my space was no longer needed. I was disassembled, piece by piece, each of my stones numbered so that I could be reassembled on campus in 1911.

Where are you located now?
I’m nestled between St. Andrew’s College and the new additions to the Health Sciences Building. 

What do you like best about being on campus?
It’s very scenic here. There’s a small pond out back and I get lots of sun—perfect for photoshoots or just taking a break from the workday.