Merlis Belsher Place opens its doors to glowing reviews

Merlis Belsher Place, the much-anticipated twin-pad hockey facility at the University of Saskatchewan, opened its doors on Monday in advance of many first ice-times, including the Huskie women’s hockey season-opener Friday.

Merlis Belsher plans to be camping out at his new second home — the aptly named Merlis Belsher Place — during the next few weeks.

He’ll be back again Tuesday when the very first Saskatoon minor hockey zone players step onto the ice for their first usage of the facility, which includes both a larger spectator rink and community rink.

“I want to watch and see the reaction of the people and see what they think of the rink,” said Belsher to The StarPhoenix during a media sneak-peak tour on Monday.

“I couldn’t be more pleased. I think it’s absolutely beautiful. I had always wanted the front entrance to be sort of a wow factor — large and spacious because my understanding of community rinks is that is where people congregate and visit.

“This curved entrance with the glass and high ceiling, it’s beautiful. Love it.”

Read more from The StarPhoenix.