Ê-Pimohtêyahk, We Are Walking Together
The U of S is hosting a Jane’s Walk, which aims to highlight campus architecture and visual markers that celebrate Indigenous peoples.
The University of Saskatchewan’s vision statement reads: “We will be an outstanding institution of research, learning, knowledge-keeping, reconciliation, and inclusion with and by Indigenous peoples and communities”. To support the realization of this vision, the emerging University Plan prioritizes the goals of Uplifting Indigenization, Experiencing Reconciliation and Embracing Manacihitowin (Cree: let us respect one another). These statements boldly communicate the place of prominence that Indigenous people are stepping into are the U of S.
Starting at the Gordon Oakes Red Bear Student Centre, the walk leaders will take you to either the Health Sciences Colleges or the College of Agriculture and Bioresources. You are free to choose which location you would like to visit. The walks will include an introduction of visual markers that celebrate Indigenous peoples, and stories of how these Colleges have engaged with Indigenous communities, students, staff and faculty to create innovative programs, policies and curriculum that are transformative and supportive of decolonization and reconciliation efforts.
The walks will end where they began, at the Gordon Oakes Red Bear Student Centre; participants can take time to appreciate the magnificent architecture, enjoy refreshments and learn about the symbolism that it embodies. Everyone is welcome.
Join walk leaders: Valerie Arnault-Pelletier (Aboriginal Coordinator, College of Medicine), Holly Graham (Assistant Professor, College of Nursing), Candice Pete (Senior Strategic Officer, Indigenous Programs and Partnerships), and Hamish Tulloch, Development Officer, College of Agriculture & Bioresources, at 11 am, Saturday, May 5, at the Gordon Oakes Red Bear Student Centre.
For more information on additional tours, go to Saskatoon Jane's Walk.