Campus closed until noon due to power outage
UPDATE: USask’s Saskatoon campus will has been re-opened as of October 22, at 12 pm, noon.
By University CommunicationsUPDATE: USask’s Saskatoon campus will has been re-opened as of October 22, at 12 pm, noon.
The University of Saskatchewan’s Saskatoon campus is closed Tuesday, October 22 until noon due to an ongoing power outage that has impacted various parts of Saskatoon. All classes, buildings and services are closed and students, staff and faculty are asked not to come onto campus.
The University will be providing an update at 11am via PAWS, email, Twitter, and Facebook to confirm re-opening at noon, which is dependent on power being restored during the morning.
Staff from Protective Services and Facilities have been working throughout the night to ensure safety and services are maintained for residences and research facilities on campus.
Staff essential to maintaining campus operations are expected to come into work. If you have questions please contact your supervisor.
Check PAWS, email, Twitter, Facebook, or the university’s website for important safety information and to be notified of any changes.
Peter Stoicheff