August’s On Campus News now available online
On Campus News is once again being produced this month in an online format for the August 14 edition, as University of Saskatchewan (USask) buildings remain closed and social distancing protocols in place while summer session students, staff and faculty work largely from home at this time.
In this issue, OCN takes a closer look at the university’s response to the global pandemic, from therapeutics research and virtual care, to feature interviews with USask epidemiologists Dr. Cory Neudorf (MD) and Dr. Nazeem Muhajarine (PhD). We also spotlight the online success of a popular annual education summer course, preview the upcoming virtual Alumni Week, update the progress in the COVID-19 Community Archive project, and speak with Huskies coach Lisa Thomaidis about how the pandemic has delayed the Olympics and the university basketball season.
The complete monthly news magazine is now available for download in its entirety in PDF format here. Each of this issue’s OCN feature stories are also posted individually in the news section of the university website here.
Throughout the summer, USask communications specialists will continue to update the campus community on program and research developments and human-interest features from a cross-section of colleges, schools and departments. We hope that you enjoy reading the August edition online and we thank you for your patience and understanding at this time.
— On Campus News