Campus access restricted due to weather
Many areas in Saskatchewan are experiencing heavy snowfall and dangerous driving conditions. Due to the weather, access to USask campuses on Monday, November 9 will be restricted to allow for snow removal services and other key activities necessary to maintain critical infrastructure essential to university operations.
By University CommunicationsThis access restriction applies to all students, faculty and staff—even those who are approved to be on campus during COVID-19 restrictions and have in-person classes or labs. All in-person classes, labs, and clinics will be cancelled for Monday. The cancellation of in-person classes includes nursing students in Prince Albert and Regina.
You will be contacted directly by your supervisor if you are required to be on one of our campuses as an exception outside of the activities listed above. Please do not come to campus on Monday, Nov. 9 until you receive further information. We have been monitoring this situation and are taking this action to ensure the safety of our community.
All remote teaching and learning activities will continue as expected, as will remote working arrangements. Check your PAWS email, USask Twitter and Facebook accounts, or usask.ca for safety information and to be notified of any changes or additional closures.
If you are on campus and require assistance, please contact Protective Services at 306-966-5555.