October’s On Campus News now available online

The October 9 edition of On Campus News is now available in PDF format, while the majority of University of Saskatchewan (USask) students, staff and faculty continue to work largely from home.

In this issue of OCN, we spotlight two of the university’s signature areas of research—agriculture and water security—in profiles of the Global Institute for Food Security and the Global Institute for Water Security. This edition also features a new College of Law online lecture series on re-envisioning policing, as well as interviews with researchers in the School of Environment and Sustainability, College of Medicine, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, and the College of Arts and Science. 

The complete monthly news magazine is now available for download in its entirety in PDF format. Each of this issue’s OCN feature stories are also posted individually in the news section of the university website.

Throughout this term, USask communications specialists will continue to update the campus community on program and research developments and human-interest features from a cross-section of colleges, schools and departments. We hope that you enjoy reading the October edition online and we thank you for your patience and understanding at this time.

On Campus News