USask issues updates on winter term final exams

Please be advised that final exams in the April 2020 period will be completed remotely and the university will use the existing exam schedule with regard to timing of exams. Specific details as to the format of the remote exams for each class will be provided directly by your academic unit. Any qualifications to remote administration of exams are listed in the table below.

With final exams being completed remotely, there is no requirement to stay on or near campus for the remainder of the term. If you are an out-of-town student wishing to return home, you can do so. If you live in residence and decide to return home now, refunds are available. Our current plan is to keep our residences open for students wishing to stay on campus. 

You will hear from your Instructor or academic unit regarding the details of your final exam as soon as possible but please be patient as your instructors focus first on the delivery of the remaining weeks of courses.

If you are a graduate student, you may also be involved in research as part of your degree requirements. Please continue to work with your supervisor to assess whether your research activities require you to be on campus or whether there is an opportunity for you to engage in your research remotely. There will be further messaging available to support graduate students in the coming days.

Academic Units or Programs where you will be needed on campus

Physical Therapy

Final exams done remotely but students will receive a message directly from your program about deferred OSCE exams.


Final exams done remotely but students will receive a message directly from your college about clinical assessments and surgical skill assessments to be scheduled for a later date in the spring or summer.


Please contact your instructor regarding arrangements for final exams.

As we evaluate how we operate during the COVID-19 situation, we will continue to provide updates on any changes. All updates will be available at, including information specifically for current students. If you have questions, please email  

Anthony Vannelli
Provost and vice-president academic
University of Saskatchewan