April’s On Campus News magazine now available online

From the importance of getting vaccinated, to this year’s Images of Research winners, the April 9 issue of On Campus News is now available online in PDF format on the University of Saskatchewan (USask) website.

In this edition of USask’s monthly news magazine, we speak with Dr. Volker Gerdts (DVM, PhD) of the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) on campus about vaccination education, while one of the university’s SuperDARN researchers weighs in on Solar Cycle 25 that is producing picturesque northern lights activity. This issue of OCN also features stories on employing virtual reality technology in education courses, and celebrating 100 years of horticulture research at USask, as well as our popular monthly Huskie Athletics and Uniquely USask series.

Read the entire PDF here.

While students, staff and faculty work largely from home during the ongoing pandemic, USask’s monthly news magazine is available in online-only format and ready for download in its entirety here. Each OCN feature story is also posted individually in the news section of the university website here.

Throughout 2021, communications specialists from USask colleges, schools and facilities will update the campus community on important research developments and provide personal profiles of people from around the university.

 We hope that you enjoy reading the April edition of OCN.

On Campus News