USask provost statement on Dr. Carrie Bourassa
A statement from Provost and Vice-President Academic, Airini.
The University of Saskatchewan (USask) has carefully reviewed the information in interviews and responses from Dr. Carrie Bourassa to recent articles challenging her Indigenous identity. The university has serious concerns with the additional information revealed in Dr. Bourassa’s responses to the media and with the harm that this information may be causing Indigenous individuals and communities. An investigation will be proceeding into the statements and information shared by Dr. Bourassa.
USask has placed Dr. Bourassa on leave and she is relieved of all her duties as professor in the USask College of Medicine in the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology. Dr Bourassa will not return to any faculty duties during this investigation. The university is committed to expediting the investigation process.
USask continues to be a part of larger conversations happening across Canada as they relate to Indigenous identity and hiring processes for positions specifically recruiting those with Indigenous ancestry. We will continue to refine our own processes and work with applicants, and with Indigenous and community partners, to honour and support Indigenous sovereignty and self-determination. We remain firmly committed to building trust and relationships with Indigenous communities.
Provost and Vice-President Academic
Office of the Provost
The University of Saskatchewan