USask reappoints Grit McCreath as chancellor
The University of Saskatchewan (USask) is pleased to announce that Grit McCreath has been reappointed to a second term as Chancellor.
The three-year appointment—approved by University Senate at its October 30 meeting— will see McCreath hold the position until July 1, 2025.
“To be able to continue to serve in this prestigious role is truly an honour,” said McCreath, who graduated from USask’s College of Education in 1991. “The university has been central to my life and my family’s, and continuing to be able to contribute in this capacity is a privilege."
McCreath’s connections to USask are long and meaningful. She roamed campus as a child when her parents were students, and later became a student and a graduate herself. Grit met her husband Scott while attending classes at the university. McCreath has dedicated her time and energy to the university for the better part of 25 years, as a member of the University Senate and of the Board of Governors, and as the university’s inaugural honorary ambassador. Duties for that position included meeting with and hosting alumni and donors, recruiting students, mentoring individuals and groups, attending university events and ceremonies, and providing the president with feedback from the community.
“I have always been so proud of my connections to USask and have taken great pride in being an ambassador for this amazing institution,” said McCreath, who spent 32 years as a teacher and education administrator in Saskatoon, Toronto, Edmonton and Calgary. “This might be the best role at USask—I am thrilled to continue to share all of the wonderful stories that make USask one of the top universities in the country, and be one of USask’s loudest and proudest supporters.”
In fact, most of McCreath’s family count themselves among the university’s proudest supporters, with more than 20 degrees among them. Her parents, her three siblings, her husband (and many members of his family), and one of their two children are USask graduates, explained McCreath, who was named a 2019 recipient of the Saskatchewan Order of Merit.
“Grit McCreath is an exceptional member of our USask community, one of our proudest supporters and a remarkable individual,” said Peter Stoicheff, USask president and vice-chancellor. “I am pleased that I will continue working with Grit over the coming years and witness her connections to USask grow even deeper.”
As chancellor, McCreath will preside at university convocation ceremonies, confer degrees, chair University Senate and serve on the Board of Governors.