USask to launch proof of vaccination status and testing process
As previously announced, starting Sept. 7, 2021, every member of the USask community—all students, faculty, and staff—will be required to show proof of at least one dose of a World Health Organization (WHO)-approved COVID-19 vaccine before coming onto campus. Proof of a second dose will be required by no later than Oct. 18, 2021.
By University CommunicationsTo safely and securely collect the vaccine information, USask is introducing a dedicated Vaccine Status channel in PAWS that will allow all members of the university community to confidentially submit their vaccine status—either fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated, not vaccinated, or choose not to disclose status.

How it will work
Starting next week, you will receive an email notification to your @usask.ca email address informing you when you are eligible to complete the proof-of-vaccination process—a process that is simple, secure and will help protect the health and safety of our campus community. Emails will be sent to groups of students, faculty, and staff over a number of days to manage the traffic on the system. Please watch for the email before attempting to complete your proof of vaccination.
Individuals will have the opportunity to indicate if they are fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated, not vaccinated, or choose not to disclose.
Fully and partially vaccinated individuals can upload the required documentation in order to access campus without further restrictions beyond following the health and safety guidelines currently in place. Once the vaccination documentation is uploaded, no additional information is needed.
Those who are unable or unwilling to be vaccinated, or prefer not to disclose their vaccination status, will be required to provide two negative COVID-19 rapid tests on a weekly basis beginning September 13, 2021. Like vaccination status, these test results will be submitted through a dedicated and secure PAWS channel. More details about the testing process will be provided in the coming days.
All information collected will be protected in accordance with the university’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and Saskatchewan’s The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Visit our vaccine FAQ page to learn more about the vaccine eligibility criteria, as well as information about how your information and privacy will be protected. Should you have any questions not covered in the FAQ, contact covid19@usask.ca.
The university has identified activities in which the risk of contracting COVID-19 is elevated and as such full vaccination is required. The two activities initially announced include participation in Huskie Athletics and living in Residence—as additional groups are identified they will be notified directly. If you are part of an elevated risk activity and require information regarding vaccine accommodation based on Human Rights grounds, you can find information here for students and here for faculty and staff.
Thank you for doing your part to help Protect the Pack and ensure our safety for the fall term.
The University of Saskatchewan Pandemic Response and Recovery Team (PRT)