The President's Resident at the University of Saskatchewan campus.

Season’s Greetings from President Peter Stoicheff

With the fall semester winding down and the holiday season around the corner, I want to thank all members of our campus community for the part you have played in making 2022 a memorable year for the University of Saskatchewan.

The President's Resident at the University of Saskatchewan campus.
USask President and Vice-Chancellor Peter Stoicheff.

Whether you are a student, staff or faculty member, your contributions and commitment have made a difference. It has been my privilege to see the dedication and determination you have shown, and the patience and resilience you have demonstrated in the safe and thoughtful return of our vibrant USask community to in-person teaching, learning, and services. While the health and safety of our campus community remains our top priority, we have successfully resumed lectures and labs on campus, as well as in-person convocation ceremonies and annual award celebrations.

The challenges of the past few years have brought out the best in our university, one that is dedicated to personal responsibility and the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion, and that is respectful of our commitment to Indigenization leading to reconciliation. You are helping make our university the best place it can be for all of us.

This shared commitment to looking out for one another has been reflected in recent university rankings, as the University of Saskatchewan’s reputation as a leader in student support and satisfaction, and research collaboration and innovation, has continued to rise. We are also welcoming more students than ever before, reaching a record enrolment of more than 26,000 in 2022 – another sign of success for our university.

In addition to our ongoing commitment to supporting academic excellence, USask is proudly home to four major national research centres. We have received new funding for VIDO to become Canada’s new centre for pandemic research, as well as for the Canadian Light Source (CLS) synchrotron facility, the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN), and the new USask-led Global Water Futures Observatories (GWFO).

With more scholarship support and more research opportunities to help find local solutions to global problems, our university is poised to take another important step forward in 2023 as we spotlight and highlight our place among Canada’s top U15 medical-doctoral institutions.

As we prepare to close the book on 2022, I hope you all find the time to take a moment to reflect on what you have accomplished this year and what you hope to achieve as you begin the next chapter in your University of Saskatchewan story in 2023.

For now, with the holiday season almost upon us, please take some time for yourselves to relax, recharge, and refocus on what matters most. I hope you all have the opportunity to spend time with family and friends, and to cherish special moments with colleagues and fellow students, whether in person or in spirit.

On behalf of all of us here at the University of Saskatchewan, I wish you the happiest of holiday seasons, and all the best in the new year.


Peter Stoicheff
President and Vice-Chancellor
University of Saskatchewan