The Peter MacKinnon Building on the USask Saskatoon campus.

President to deliver annual General Academic Assembly address

USask faculty, staff and students and other members of the university community are invited to attend the General Academic Assembly (GAA) on Thursday, April 6, when President Peter Stoicheff will deliver his eighth annual state-of-the-university address.

By University Communications

This year’s annual meeting will be held in Convocation Hall from noon to 1 pm. A livestream of the meeting will also be available to view on the day of the meeting.

The topic of President Stoicheff’s address this year is “Taking Stock, Looking Forward: the 2023 University of Saskatchewan”. The presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer period with the president.

When President Stoicheff was installed as the University of Saskatchewan’s 11th president on October 24, 2015, he promised to remain true to the university’s storied past, while enhancing its focus on the future, setting the stage for USask's commitment to be the university the world needs. This year’s address will assess the many accomplishments of this academic year and identify the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Members of the GAA include the president as chair, members of faculty, deans, executive directors of schools, vice-presidents, the university secretary and the registrar, as well as elected students. The University of Saskatchewan Act, 1995, directs that the GAA will meet annually to allow the president to present a report respecting the state of the university and any other matters that the president considers appropriate. Visit for more information.