USask statement on 2025-26 provincial budget
Today, the 2025-26 provincial budget was announced, signalling the Government of Saskatchewan’s continued commitment to providing predictable and stable funding to the University of Saskatchewan (USask).
The government has extended USask’s original four-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for an additional year. Additionally, the inflationary increase from last year of 2.2 per cent will continue in 2025-26, along with a one-time increase of 1 per cent this year.
“This one-year extension provides our university with some certainty in what are uncertain times,” said USask President and Vice-Chancellor Peter Stoicheff. “This predictability enables our institution to move forward with our priorities, like financial sustainability, and advance our shared initiatives that strengthen the province.”
Stoicheff said that beyond the certainty provided by the MOU extension, it also supports USask efforts in revenue generation, sector collaboration, and achieving strategic initiatives outlined in the Growth Plan of Saskatchewan.
“Recent threats of tariffs by the United States and market volatility have created economic uncertainty in Saskatchewan and Canada,” he said. “But for USask, predictable funding enables us to continue our long-term planning and forecasting and allows us to play an important role in strengthening our province.”
Now in its fifth year, the stable support provided by multi-year funding commitments enables USask to continue to provide outstanding post-secondary education and advance innovation the province and the world needs.
While the university will do an in-depth review of the budget over the next few days to determine full impacts to the university, Stoicheff said the university's initial reaction to the budget is positive.
“We know the Government of Saskatchewan values post-secondary education and how it can strengthen communities throughout the province,” said Stoicheff. “Our graduates, more than 175,000 around the world—including health professionals, entrepreneurs, leaders of innovation—are excellent examples of how USask, with the province’s support, provides immense, positive impact.”
The 2025-26 budget is available online at www.saskatchewan.ca/budget.