Terri Karpish, career services officer in the College of Law.

A career case

Terri Karpish is the link between law students and legal employers.

By Lesley Porter

"In law school, there are lots of opportunities for students not only to study, but develop skills to help them be a lawyer," she said.

As the career services officer in the College of Law, she provides services and support for students and equips them with the essential information to ensure gainful legal careers after they graduate.

"Legal recruitment is so specified to that profession," said Karpish. "It's a technical process governed in each province differently, so I help them with that process."

To ensure students begin their legal careers on the right foot, Karpish holds a weekly workshop series during the academic year that covers pertinent topics, such as choosing a practice area, the recruitment and application process, mock interviews, dress code and etiquette, maintaining an online presence, and strategies to deal with potential job stress. The workshops proved so helpful they were built into the students' timetable, "so if they were to look at it they would think it was a class."

Karpish also facilitates several related events for the college, including career fairs and guest speakers—allowing students the opportunity to engage with the legal community before they have their degree in hand. This also includes travelling throughout the province to meet with firms in smaller towns and cities to experience practicing law in a smaller community. "They learn a little more about what it's like to practice outside of the city," she said.

Originally from Prince Albert, Karpish joined the college in 2005 after practicing law in her hometown for 13 years. She has maintained her legal license and keeps connected to the profession. "It's a small, tight-knit community."

An alumni of the college herself, Karpish enjoys working with students who, more often than never, she sees not long after they graduate.

"It's almost full-circle to see the students, then they become lawyers, then come back to recruit," she said.


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