Carolyn Doi, music librarian in the Education Library.

All the right notes

Music has always been a focal point in Carolyn Doi’s life.

By Lesley Porter

She studied classical piano, worked as a piano instructor and even completed an undergraduate degree in music. She enjoyed the research side of her bachelor's degree so much, she moved to Montreal to complete a master's program in library sciences at McGill University.

"I'd be so lucky to combine my knowledge of music with library studies," said Doi, assistant librarian in the education and music library. Fortunately, luck was on her side—not long after completing her master's degree in 2010, she started working at the McGill music library. Prairie life called her, however, and in 2011 she moved to Saskatoon and started a similar position at the U of S.

Having a thorough musical upbringing is definitely an asset to her job. "I always say that music is a language in and of itself," said Doi.

Indeed it is a language well known to Doi, who has mastered more than just piano. While in high school, she inherited a fiddle from her grandfather. She soon started training and playing alongside John Arcand, a renowned Métis fiddler. And while living in Montreal, Doi took up taiko drumming, a traditional style used in Japanese ensembles. "It has really interesting links to Japanese culture and it's been really interesting to learn that style of music," she said.

With that knowledge intact, Doi enjoys being involved in the local music community. "There's a lot of creativity involved in the arts," said Doi, "so I get to see that in our students, who are constantly putting on recitals, and in the faculty, who are producing albums. I get to be in that artistic community as well."