Marilyn Poitras, assistant professor in the College of Law.

Law professor chosen to lead MMIW inquiry

A University of Saskatchewan (U of S) legal scholar will bring her knowledge and skills to the federal inquiry on missing and murdered Indigenous women (MMIW).

Marilyn Poitras, an assistant professor in the College of Law, will serve as a commissioner in the inquiry. An expert in constitutional and Aboriginal law, her professional life prior to joining the college in 2009 was a fusion of law, governance, community and institutional education.

As a commissioner, Poitras will provide concrete recommendations to federal, provincial and territorial governments about how to deal with the disproportionate rates of violence and crime against Canada's Indigenous women and girls.

The inquiry will begin in September and finish by the end of 2018. Ottawa has set aside $53.8 million to pay for the inquiry.

See more at CBC Politics.