Professor Christian Willenborg talks about donating a kidney to his fiancée (screenshot from CTV Saskatoon).

The gift of life

It's a classic love story, just in time for Valentine's Day, but instead of the boy giving the girl his heart, he gave her his kidney.

By University Communications
Christian Willenborg, an assistant professor in the College of Agriculture and Bioresources, started dating Errin Tollefson five years ago. Tollefson was born with only one kidney that wasn't working and had to undergo several hours of kidney dialysis every day. She was prepared to get a second working kidney from her father (also an agriculture professor) until he tragically passed away from kidney cancer.

Willingborg inquired if he could donate a kidney, and it was a near-perfect match. So as the ultimate grand gesture of his love for Tollefson, he  gave her one of his kidneys.

See more at CTV Saskatoon.