Kaitlyn Moore took time out from her studies in Sweden to visit the canals of Amsterdam.

Studying abroad in Sweden

One of the best moments of my time in Europe was visiting the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. It was a life altering experience...

By Meghan Sired

Kaitlyn Moore, 23, is originally from Edmonton, Alta. and is studying in the College of Law. Moore recently studied abroad at Lund University in Sweden. While abroad she took two classes: Legal Analysis and Reasoning in a Common Law System, and Law and Literature.

Moore recently answered some questions about her time abroad and showed us a few photos, too.


Moore under a giant Swedish flag in Lund

Did you visit any other countries while studying abroad?
While I was studying in Sweden (Lund) I had the opportunity to visit seven other European countries including Denmark, Finland, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Austria and the Netherlands.

My favorite besides Sweden was Austria, I absolutely loved the architecture in Vienna.

What was one of the best moments of your trip?
One of the best moments of my time in Europe was visiting the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. It was a life altering experience to physically be in the home where the Frank family and their friends hid during the Nazi Occupation of the Netherlands. 

What are two interesting things about the country that the average person may not know?
An interesting fact that might not be known is that most Swedes speak English very well. Another interesting fact that might not be known is that the Swedes love their candy! I loved going to their large bulk candy stores for a treat.

What’s the first image that comes to mind when you think of where you travelled to?
The first thing that comes to mind when I think about Lund are the cobblestone roads and the quaint little shops throughout the city centre. Also, the famous Lund Cathedral, where I was lucky enough to see the Pope and the king and queen of Sweden while they were visiting the beautiful church.

What was the best meal you had?
You can’t go to Sweden without enjoying their famous mashed potatoes and meatballs with lingonberry sauce. That was for sure my favorite Swedish meal.

Seeing the sights in Copenhagen, Denmark.


To learn more about the study abroad opportunities offered at the U of S, visit goabroad.usask.ca or drop by the International Student and Study Abroad Centre.