Jaimie Peters.

#UsaskConvo: Q & A with U of S graduating student Jaimie Peters

While close to 3,700 students are expected to cross the stage at TCU Place to receive their degrees at Spring Convocation from June 4-7, every U of S graduate has their own unique story.

Jaimie Peters, 38, is graduating with a Master of Nursing this spring. After graduation, she plans to spend more time with her daughters and husband, and will continue to work with The Lung Association of Saskatchewan. In Peters’ spare time, she will continue to work on the research project from her final practicum and teach lab and clinical with the College of Nursing.

Overall, how was your U of S experience?

I really enjoyed my experience.  As a mature student, I found school much more meaningful and applicable because of the experiences you can use to relate to content being learned. 

What’s something you learned at the U of S that came from a textbook, a lecture/lab or research? 

One of the most interesting discussions from the program was about challenges and solutions in multigenerational nursing environments. Each generation has strengths and we need to work together to create a patient first health care environment.  

If you had a million dollars to donate to the university, what would you want the money to be used for? 

A million dollars is a lot, but not quite enough!  I would direct these funds to four places: 

  1. Respiratory Research Centre of Canada—to support the great respiratory researchers we have.
  2. The College of Nursing—to develop a clinical skills lab dedicated specifically for nursing students.
  3. The College of Nursing—to enhance all levels of nursing students skills and understanding in the management of respiratory disease and illness.
  4. Scholarship—a scholarship to support part-time nursing students who have young children and continue to work.

What did you learn about yourself during your time at the U of S?

I learned I am very good at time management and that sometimes you have to let certain things go.  For me it was Netflix, laundry and housework!  This would be my advice for new students as well—use your nursing skills and prioritize the important things in life.​

Join us as we celebrate all those who receive their degrees during Spring Convocation. Share your moments using #UsaskConvo.