Monika Bzdel

#UsaskConvo: Q & A with U of S graduating student Monika Bzdel

While close to 3,700 students are expected to cross the stage at TCU Place to receive their degrees at Spring Convocation from June 4-7, every U of S graduate has their own unique story.

This spring, Monika Bzdel, 27, is graduating with a Master of Nursing - Primary Care Nurse Practitioner. After graduation, Bzdel plans to work as a nurse practitioner in northern communities in Saskatchewan.

How was your U of S experience?

Overall, I enjoyed my experience. The course I took was considered a “distance” course, meaning that there was an option to attend the lectures online, or in person in the classroom. I appreciated that there was the option available to suit my schedule and learning needs.

What advice do you have for new students just starting university?

Prioritization and time management are very important skills to consolidate. Focus on your goals, and plan your days and study time accordingly. Also, have realistic expectations of yourself—do not get discouraged and always remind yourself why you have chosen to further your education and what your goals are.

University can be stressful, how did you look after your mental health while at university?

Finding out what self-care practices work best with you are important in managing stress. For myself, I found having a daily meditation practice, exercising, eating nutritious food, getting adequate sleep and spending time with people who were important to me was vital. During midterms or final exams, making time for these activities were a priority for me and I believe contributed to my success.

Join us as we celebrate all those who receive their degrees during Spring Convocation. Share your moments using #UsaskConvo.