Heather Ross is an educational development specialist at the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning. (Photo: Meghan Sired)

Celebrating pride and acknowledging the individual

In celebration of the upcoming Saskatoon Pride Festival, Heather M. Ross, educational development specialist, talks about members of the LGBTQ2S+ community being more than a “collection of letters.”

By University Communications

Heather Ross grew up in Southern California and has worked on campus for more than seven years. She says her top three passions are her family, being active and learning. 

Ross is an educational development specialist at the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning where she leads the USask open educational practices (open textbooks, etc.) initiative.

In her own words, Ross explained something on her mind regarding gender and sexual diversity.

I think everyone needs to keep in mind that we’re not a homogenous group of people. We’re individuals. We’re people of different ethnicities, religious beliefs, family makeups, interests and goals.

The collection of letters used to describe people who are gay, lesbian, transgender, etc., only scratches the surface in seeing who we are as individual people.