CRC funding announced

The University of Saskatchewan’s newest Canada Research Chairs (CRC) are working in a diverse range of areas, from solar cells and bacterial resistance to materials science and the causes of multiple sclerosis.

By Colleen MacPherson
The federal government announced $6.6 million in CRC funding for the U of S March 13. This includes four new chairs and the renewal of two. Among the new funding recipients are: Mirek Cygler, professor of biochemistry, CRC in Molecular Medicine Using Synchrotron Light; Timothy Kelly, assistant professor of chemistry, CRC in Photovoltaics; Alexander Moewes, professor of physics and engineering physics, CRC in Materials Science using Synchrotron Radiation; and Bogdan Popescu, assistant professor of anatomy and cell biology, CRC in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Research.

Renewal funding was provided to Lawrence Brawley, professor of kinesiology and CRC in Physical Activity in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, and Dean Chapman, professor of anatomy and cell biology and CRC in X-Ray Imaging.

For the full story, visit
research news.

For more photos of Canada Research Chairs, visit the
U of S Flickr gallery