Got milk?

Chocolate milk may be better than no milk at all, according to a new study from the University of Saskatchewan.

By University Communications
Researchers from the U of S College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, including Carol Henry, Hassan Vatanparast and Susan Whitting, observed consumption of both plain and chocolate milk in six local elementary schools.

Overall milk consumption in the schools was already fairly low, as children tended to go for sugary fruit juices and fruit-flavoured drinks. That number dropped further—by 41 per cent—when chocolate milk was removed as an option, said Vatanparast.

Chocolate milk has been the subject of debate by concerned parents and celebrity chefs alike, due to its higher sugar and calorie content than plain milk. However, it also contains vital nutrients such as calcium, protein, vitamin A and vitamin D—components of a healthy diet not found in other beverages.

The study also found that plain milk was more likely to be wasted, whereas chocolate milk was not, because, not surprisingly, taste matters, explained Vatanparast.

Their research was published in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism.

Read the full article at the Star Phoenix.